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Product Information "McDart Classic 1 Tungsten Softdart Barrels - 18g"

McDart Classic 1 Softdart Barrels mit einem Tungsten-Anteil von 90 %.

WICHTIG: Wir geben bei Softdart-Barrels immer das ungefähre Gesamtgewicht inkl. Spitze, Shaft und Flight an. Der reine Barrel wiegt ca. 2 Gramm weniger.




21 g

50,30 mm

6,50 mm

  • Warning! Darts is a sport for adults and not a toy. It is dangerous for children and should only be played under supervision. Store out of the reach of small children, small parts pose a choking hazard. Throw the darts only at the designated dartboard and ensure that no persons are in the throwing area.
Olper Straße 34, 57399 Kirchhundem, Deutschland

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McDart Classic 1 Tungsten Softdart Barrels - 18g

Article no.: 2-MC52-18
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